HillAnt Corp

HillAnt Corp invests in ANY and ALL business oppertunities that give the best return on cash and time investment. A business that gives a high return on little time and little value invested is a good one. If a planting a garden with trees, butterflies, flowers, bunnies, kittens, lambs, fairies, unicorns, rainbows, gnomes, elves, druids, diviners, sorcerers earns good ISK... HillAnt corp will do it!

HillAnt Corp is primarily intended to encourage entrepeneurship. That means that corp members (and freelancers) are encouraged to make the corp a succes through monetary rewards and generous contracts. By venturing to explore innovative and profitable ways to crack profits out of the eve market in good old capitalist fashion. HillAnt Corp differentiates in that all its investments are intended to be involved investments. Ie if a HillAnt corp member and shareholder invest it is likely intended as a move to innovate the business that is invested in.

if you want more information about deals, investing and recruitment look at the corp description, drop me a convo, mail or place a remark in this blog or join the Eve online channel HillAnt.

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Wednesday 15 April 2009

HillAnt Incorporated

Ceo reporting:

I re-started my account yesterday. I forked over 16 million ISK for investment to my new main account and started the termination countdown on the old one which is now well done. My old account from 2 years ago was strongly focussed on what many players do which is everything at once right now like a headless chicken. I was forever ignorant of the market. I felt i needed a fresh start and no reminder of that past, AntSpice now lies where no star shines.

I have played several market simulation games (and other types of simulation games) the last months. Games including capitalism 2, cashflow 101 & 202, SimEarth, SimFarm (i was 5 yrs), RCT 1 2 3. (and many other games not related or remembered)

I feel the eve community & economy is the next logical step towards understanding and learning the force of the people and the market they build. I see it as an adventure to continue improving my ability to discern true value both in game and in real life.

Well, here goes:
I started out by getting used to the basic functions again and immediactly disco,- and rediscovering character skills, the new attribute remapping feature, the new skill training que system (!!!).
I got myself settled in again.

It is my intent to use my ship as little as possible. As the ceo i feel i need to learn to be lazy be delegating whatever i can to whoever can do and will do it. For this i use contracts at the time of this writing and writing to contractees for future interaction potential.

For direct corporation retalad detail (recruitment, investment, etc.) look up HillAnt Inc. in the eve-game.

It is my personal goal to attain a personal wealth of 1% of all the assets in the eve-online game, measured in ISK.




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