HillAnt Corp

HillAnt Corp invests in ANY and ALL business oppertunities that give the best return on cash and time investment. A business that gives a high return on little time and little value invested is a good one. If a planting a garden with trees, butterflies, flowers, bunnies, kittens, lambs, fairies, unicorns, rainbows, gnomes, elves, druids, diviners, sorcerers earns good ISK... HillAnt corp will do it!

HillAnt Corp is primarily intended to encourage entrepeneurship. That means that corp members (and freelancers) are encouraged to make the corp a succes through monetary rewards and generous contracts. By venturing to explore innovative and profitable ways to crack profits out of the eve market in good old capitalist fashion. HillAnt Corp differentiates in that all its investments are intended to be involved investments. Ie if a HillAnt corp member and shareholder invest it is likely intended as a move to innovate the business that is invested in.

if you want more information about deals, investing and recruitment look at the corp description, drop me a convo, mail or place a remark in this blog or join the Eve online channel HillAnt.

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Monday 27 April 2009

27th April Finance Report

the balance statement remains the same at at most 1% lower then it shows in the halfway statement below.
It remains at 1% because mostly thanks to my distraction with:
1 - a wardecleration i mentioned earlier and negotiations with said wardeccers
2a-the absense of a client (see below)
2b-the tieing up of cash into the obtainment of affordable ammo to deliver to 2a client.
3- exploring the named module market and item exchanges and making a few purchases that were way below market.
4- reading forum threads

Today was very educational again. That wardec i talked about is from a group of 4 highsec oppertunists wardeccing a few enemies, carebear, trader/industrial corporations in the Jita area and region. I negotiated a lot with one of their members and that will continue tomorrow. Ill talk about that in detail if they agree to let me.

I was expecting to meet one of the members of the corporation that is ordering "huge quantities of dreadnought ammo". However, the lack of online activity of any representatives or other people of their corp that i could find ment that i had no succes contacting them about the specifics of their order. If none appear within 24 hours, ill look for other lowsec / 0.0 buyers for the inventory that i have set up to deliver to them.

A new investor popped up offering me to manage some isk for him with some demands attached and has left me to think about it until tomorrow when i will probably continue my negotations with the highsec oppertunists i mentioned above. If those negotiations go bad, that new investor offers to help me with that.

But my mind remains too distracted from the war dec and the negotiating. It was very educational but it ended up costing me a lot of energy.

27th April Halfway Finance Report

Yesterday i said i didnt trust my numbers, so... after starting the manufacturing on all the stuff one of my clients was ordering i looked at all assets and this is what results. a net worth of about 1 Billion (including stuff being manufacturd, personal assets, corporate). Made the sheet a little more tidy and added a box that calculates how many shares my salary+dividend is worth every day to make things easier on me.
There havent been so many sales yet except for a few experiments that i am bailing out of at no significant profit.




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