HillAnt Corp

HillAnt Corp invests in ANY and ALL business oppertunities that give the best return on cash and time investment. A business that gives a high return on little time and little value invested is a good one. If a planting a garden with trees, butterflies, flowers, bunnies, kittens, lambs, fairies, unicorns, rainbows, gnomes, elves, druids, diviners, sorcerers earns good ISK... HillAnt corp will do it!

HillAnt Corp is primarily intended to encourage entrepeneurship. That means that corp members (and freelancers) are encouraged to make the corp a succes through monetary rewards and generous contracts. By venturing to explore innovative and profitable ways to crack profits out of the eve market in good old capitalist fashion. HillAnt Corp differentiates in that all its investments are intended to be involved investments. Ie if a HillAnt corp member and shareholder invest it is likely intended as a move to innovate the business that is invested in.

if you want more information about deals, investing and recruitment look at the corp description, drop me a convo, mail or place a remark in this blog or join the Eve online channel HillAnt.

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Monday 15 June 2009

check in

As you may have noticed i havent posted any financial reports... for a realtively long time.

There was an new investor on the block who came to me to invest another 800m.

henceforth i will not be accepting any more ISK type of investments. Based on my experience with the last two months now considder them an insult to my intelligence.
So please:


A old member which i naively trusted to watch over the corporation while i was gone for half a week turned out to be an isk worshipper and he took the 375m ISK which i alotted to two members (by putting it into a seperate corporation wallet and giving two people acces)
When you want to
add this thief to your hunted list to help teach him a lesson, eve mail me (HillAnt) with details
EDIT: I made a mistake and wrongly accused above (in grey) of stealing. He did not steal at all, he simply got bored and returned his own investment to himself and returned the corporation shares that he originally bought. Props to Shadow Snip for the professional attitude!

I have been gathering a lot of mass (STUDYING) the last couple of weeks, most of which i will not mention to you i will not give out for free, because it is PRICELESS. This also means i did NOT make very short term profits.

Nevertheless i do have a few (by my standards relatively) long going operations running that will make some profit. The product of said operations is presently being sold for ISK with which i can finally responsibly make the first dividend payment since weeks.




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