HillAnt Corp

HillAnt Corp invests in ANY and ALL business oppertunities that give the best return on cash and time investment. A business that gives a high return on little time and little value invested is a good one. If a planting a garden with trees, butterflies, flowers, bunnies, kittens, lambs, fairies, unicorns, rainbows, gnomes, elves, druids, diviners, sorcerers earns good ISK... HillAnt corp will do it!

HillAnt Corp is primarily intended to encourage entrepeneurship. That means that corp members (and freelancers) are encouraged to make the corp a succes through monetary rewards and generous contracts. By venturing to explore innovative and profitable ways to crack profits out of the eve market in good old capitalist fashion. HillAnt Corp differentiates in that all its investments are intended to be involved investments. Ie if a HillAnt corp member and shareholder invest it is likely intended as a move to innovate the business that is invested in.

if you want more information about deals, investing and recruitment look at the corp description, drop me a convo, mail or place a remark in this blog or join the Eve online channel HillAnt.

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Monday 22 June 2009

1st June to 22nd June

As i mentioned before, the price / share is not the default of the share price any more. In my last statement i said i accept no more isk. Today i have decided that i'll open that oppertunity up again BUT at a 50% markup of the share price in the last financial report.

The Excorcism

The last 3 weeks or so have been very confronting and stimulating (pick your synonym).
Basicly i have lost been very sloppy on my accounting for the entire run of the HillAnt corp up to 2-3 days ago. As a result i lost track of about 700m of isk in assets i can't find anywhere any more. in corp assets? no. in deliveries? nay. Where did it go? It seems that when i went on a cleaning spree (cleaning up a lot of little things across that add up to a lot in the eve universe). I have looked through my transaction / journal / contract logs and every financial move i made since the start of the month is accounted for. That left me with the assets i had listed in my last financial report. From the looks of it i mindlesly trashed too much of it. I can't find the logs for it.
(I had decided to clean up because there was a huge and incomprehensible asset list i had built up doing almost everything imagineable that a low sp character can do)

It has been nagging and bothering me for the greater part of the month to do my accounting / auditing and for the last 2 days it has been bothering me that i lost track of almost a billion. I knew i could just buy 2 plexes to fix it but it didnt feel right to do it yesterday morning because i didn't know what happened. I am still not exactly sure what exactly happened.

This morning i felt i knew and learned enough to quickfix the result of my mistakes by coming up with the difference with 2 plexes. I thought of doing so yesterday but it didnt feel right until i had digged through my logs.

Because of the above i had been offline more in hiding afraid to look at the mess i had made.

HillAnt corp's asset list and excel sheet is now much cleaner and comprehensible to me. I have also upgraded my system which allows me to much more efficiently interact in the eve universe and to make quality fraps movies / screenshots when i choose to with ease.

Now that i feel i have this over with i move on to more with a much greater sense of freedom and confidence.

Other things have been going on that altough have a great impact on me, i am not sure i can explain in such detail which will result a comprehensive let alone understandable or culturally palatable set of words that will help everyone immerse themselves deep enough into kiddy pool part of my thinking processes.




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